Afşarlar / Afshars       Baraba Tatarları / Baraba Tatars       Çalkandu / Chalkandu       Çulım Türkleri / Chulym Turks       Dolganlar / Dolgans       Fu-Yü Kırgızları / Fu-Yu Kirghiz       Hakaslar / Khakas       Halaçlar / Khalaj       Horasani / Khorasani       Hotanlar / Khotan       İli Salarları / Ili Salar       İli Uygurları / Ili Uyghur       Karagaslar / Karagas       Karaylar / Karaim       Kırım Tatarları / Crimean Tatar       Kırımçaklar / Kyrymchak       Kumandı / Kumandin       Litvanya Tatarları / Lithuanian Tatars       Lopnor Uygurları / Lopnor Uyghur       Nogaylar / Noghai       Pamir Kırgızları / Pamir Kirghiz       Polonya Tatarları / Polish Tatars       Salarlar / Salar       Sarı Uygurlar / Yellow Uyghur       Sibirya Tatarları / Siberian Tatar       Songorlar / Sonqor       Soyot / Soyots       Şorlar / Shor       Telengitler / Telengit       Teleütler / Teleut       Truhmenler / Trukhmen       Tubalar / Tuba       Urumlar / Urum       Yurt Tatarları / Yurt Tatar

Determination and enregistration, documentation of language and cultural materials, reviving the languages and culture of Endangered Turkish Languages and Cultures are set as the main themes of The Symposium. Field researches from all branches of Turkology are welcome to participate with both their collective or independent works.


* Each session of the symposium is expected to have 4 speakers and 2 chairmen.

* Each speaker will be allocated 15 minutes to make a presentation followed by a 5 minutes of discussion period.

* Papers can be submitted in Turkish (Turkish Languages), English, German or Russian.

* Paper holders are required comply with symposium schedule in order to prevent interruptions.

* The deadline for abstract submission is 15 February 2012. Abstracts will be evaluated for acceptance by Symposium Organising Committee with concurrence of Advisory Board on Science and a decision is announced from the date of March 20, 2012

* Paper abstracts not exceeding 200 words with a font size of 10 are written in Turkish must be accompanied by an abstract in English, German, Russian or Turkish Languages and followed by at least 3, maximum 5 keywords given below. The title and key words in both languages should be specified seperately. Abstracts must be submitted online via the Symposium website once the registration process is completed

* The first releases of full texts approved by Advisory Board on Science must be submitted to Symposium website using the member login until 4 May 2012. The final version of texts ready for printing should be delivered to the Symposium Secreteriat both in hard copies and digital format between the dates of 23 – 26 May 2012.

* Papers must be submitted as .doc , .docx or .rtf files.

* Citations must be in 5th edition of APA (American Psychological Association). Papers prepared by a different reference system will not be published

* Books;
Last name, First initial.Middle initial. (year of publication), Book title, Location: Publisher.
Crystal, D. (2007). Dillerin Katli. İstanbul: Profil Yayıncılık.

Last name, First initial.Middle initial. (year of publication), Title of Article, Title of Journal, Volumes (Issues), Pages.
Davletov, T. B. (2008), Eski Türklerde Toplumsal Siyaset Anlayışı. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2008/1(8), 81-101.

* For more examples on APA citation style:
* Short reference system must be used in both quotations and citations in the text, i.e. (Özönder, 2000, s.68) , (Özönder, 2000, ss.68-70) Footnotes are not accepted. In the bibliography page, all the sources which are used and cited in the paper must be listed on alphabetical order.

* Total file size should be no more than  3 MB. Both the texts and abstracts should be written in Times New Roman, font size 11.

* Any custom font used must be indicated on the website and lastly delivered to Symposium Secretariat in both hard and digital copies, saved in .doc , .docx or .rtf  as well as .pdf

*Accomodation expenses for paper holders outside of Ankara will be covered.

*There is no registration fee for the symposium


Contact: For all enquiries regarding the Symposium please contact

Hacettepe University
Turkish Studies Institute
06532, Beytepe
Ankara, TURKEY
Tel: +90 312 297 67 71 / 72
Fax: +90 312 297 71 71

Hacettepe University Turkish Studies Institute
06532, Beytepe
Ankara, TURKEY

25.07.2011 tarihinden itibaren ziyaretçi sayısı: [ziyaretci sayisi]
